Monday, June 27, 2011

Our Anniversary - Fly to Ohio

On our anniversary, June 5th Joe went to work and when he got home we drove to Charleston. We were going to jump on a plane to Ohio for my Grandmother’s Funeral. I wish we were visiting for better reasons of course.

I had never been to the Charleston Airport, I was fairly certain it was small and wouldn’t be a problem to get through. I was half right. It was small… but with Mikey in tow, it was kind of a pain.

1st, as we were checking in our bags, the attendant asked for Michael’s Birth Certificate or shot record, neither of which we had (because we have yet to obtain such documents). My eyes widened as fear of them not letting us on the plane. She asked how old he was and I said 4 weeks. She wanted to see him so I tuned the stroller around She then proceeded to get her manger for a second opinion. They wanted the documents to determine the age, since he was a lap child they wanted to be sure he was under 2 years. I thought to myself that she was a nut. Clearly he was not 2 years old. Some people amaze me. Her manager laughed and said yes I am pretty sure he is under two. She then informed me that next time we need to bring documents otherwise we cold be fined. The travel rules these days are ridiculous!

So we are in line for security and Mikey was in his car seat. Joe was a little nervous about the whole security thing with an infant so I briefed him before we got to the front so we went into it with a plan. I start the process of the diaper bag, my shoes and my purse… Joe unbuckles the baby and pulls him out. Joe is patting his back keeping him calm. All the while thinking “man my son is kind of sweaty”. I turn around to grab the car seat and that when I see the poop stains all the way up to his armpits. Ohhh Shit I said quietly.

Joe’s face was complete panic when I mentioned to him it was poop. I took a blanket and wrapped Michael up in it. I then proceeded to take him through the security screening. All clear… thank goodness! The less time with a poop covered baby the better! We bee line it to the bathroom and I run in to change him. 5 wipes and a new outfit later he is clean (somewhat). About 10 min later while Joe is holding him he Shit/Farts again (we call it shart just a fyi). We are 10 min from boarding our plane. Southwest no doubt (open seating) and I want on the plan first so I am not stuck in the back middle without Joe. Joe takes him to the bathroom with 1 diaper and wipes. He comes out with a half clean baby in need of another diaper. Yes folks he pooped on the table on the new diaper. So finally he is clean and we are on the plane.

Long story short, he slept most of the 2 plane rides (we had a layover but didn’t need to change planes… yay!) When he wasn’t sleeping he was eating. No crying from this little guy, everyone was pleasantly surprised, as was Joe.

1 comment:

  1. I'm getting the impression that Mikey produces poop at the most inconvenient moments! LOL! You guys are such troopers! And 5 wipes? That's amazing...I think I use like a dozen at a time with those messes, LOL.
